Petter Sæther Moen

Full-stack Software Developer with a passion for creating stuff that people want to use.


Work Experience

  • Bekk Consulting AS

    Aug 2021 - Present

    Consultant/Senior Consultant

    Consulted at Entur and the Norwegian Court administration, mainly developing and architecting large scale web applications.

  • Bekk Consulting AS

    Jun 2020 - Jul 2020

    Summer Intern

    Created an informational website showing EV sales statistics for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen).

  • Bekk Consulting AS

    Jun 2019 - Aug 2019

    Summer Intern

    Modernized a resident verification system for the student welfare organization in Oslo.

  • Fylkesmannen i Møre og Romsdal

    Jun 2018 - Jul 2018

    Summer Intern

    Finished the tourism website for Trollheimen Protected Landscape from the year prior.

  • Fylkesmannen i Møre og Romsdal

    Jun 2017 - Jul 2017

    Summer Intern

    Started working on a tourism website for Trollheimen Protected Landscape. It was developed as a WordPress site with a custom PHP theme.


  • University of Oslo

    Aug 2016 - June 2021

    Informatics: Programming and System Architecture

    M.Sc. in Informatics with a specialization in programming languages/compiler technique. As part of the work on my masters' thesis I extended TypeScript with Package Templates, a language feature that enables class merging, enabling a form of aspect-oriented programming.


Here are some of the projects I've been involved in, either through work or as a side project.